Monday, November 30, 2009

This is a picture i found on google and you can see that three of the films out at the time had been advertised on telephone boxes. The film industry want to try and advertise their films as much as possible seeing as the more heard of their film is by the audience the better chance it has in suceeding.
Film posters can be advertised on billboards, telephone boxes, buses, taxis etc.


Another task which we need to create and start thinking about is making a POSTER to advertise our film. As a start i researched into some ways in which film companys have had their films advertised to the public.

These posters to advertise both of these two films are extremely plain and simple, however in both of the posters you can see a picture of the main characters involved in the films.

Our two main characters

AMY: Amy is an 18year old girl. She comes from a middle class family and has been brought up in private education. She's very fun and loving and has lots of friends but is currently single. Shes just finished High School/College and will be going to Leeds University next year to study English. Amy is your average teenager however it is very rare that she gets so drunk that she would have a one night stand and is therefore embarrassed when she wakes up in the morning to remember what she has done.

JACK: Jack is 19 years old. He is from a working class family and has been brought up in the state education. He's very outgoing, loud..etc. He's a typical lad around his friends and is only interested in girls, football, sports, party's, getting drunk...etc. However, Jack has just come out of a long term relationship and therefore is extremely shocked at himself for sleeping with Amy after they had only met a few hours previously.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Although we do not have our rough notes on a few things we decided to change, this was our first draft of our script for The Morning After. We ended up changing the ending so that in the end you find out the parents/ owners of the house have been in the house the entire time and there are a few edits of the script, like she knocks over the door mat which has the key to the house. From the script we were able to draw up the storyboard.We wrote the script up on celtx and each page counts for one minute.This allowed up to make sure our film was five minutes long as requested.

Sound Effects.

1. Door Slamming.
2. Falling out of bed (loud bang).
3. Window Opening.
4. Footsteps.
5. Cupboards opening and shutting.

So far running through the plan of our film, these are the sound effects we will need to get from garage band and edit in to our film. These are used to add a more dramatic feel towards our film and create realism.

OUR SHOT LIST and animation of our storyboard.

fine arts hampstead a2 portfolio media studies ocr

1. Very Long Shot. Jack and Amy on their way back from a party, walking down a street.
2. Long Shot. Jack and Amy kissing.
3. Close Up. Amy's face (laughing).
4. Close Up. Jack's face (laughing).
5. Long Shot. Amy taking off her shoes. Jack drinking.
6. Close Up. Jacks face (asking if Amy's ready).
7. Medium Close Up. Amy and Jack dancing.
8. Medium Close Up. Amy and Jack hiding behind a wall, house in the background.
9. Long Shot. Amy and Jack walking towards the house.
10. Medium Close Up. Walking towards the house.
11. Close Up. Amy tripping over the matt.
12. Medium Close Up. Jack picking up the key.
13. Close Up. The key.
14. Medium Close Up. Amy taking the key from Jack.
15. Close Up. Amy opening the door.
16. Medium Close Up. Jack and Amy kissing.
17. Medium Close Up. Jack and Amy enter the house.
18. Close Up. The door shut.
19. Close Up. The cloths on the bedroom floor.
20. Long Shot. Jack and Amy hugging in bed, knickers on Jacks foot.
21. Close Up. Knickers on Jacks foot.
22. Medium Close Up. Amy waking up next to Jack.
23. Long Shot. Jack lying in bed. Amy gets up and takes knickers off his foot.
24. Medium Close Up. Amy sat in the bathroom.
25. Close Up. Photo of a boy.
26. Medium Close Up. Amy pointing at photo, curious.
27. Long Shot. Jack falling out of bed.
28. Medium Close Up. Jack putting his trousers on.
29. Medium Close Up. Jack making the bed.
30. Medium Close Up. Amy washing her face.
31. Close Up. Amy wiping face on towel.
32. Medium Close Up. Amy hiding the towel.
33. Long Shot. Amy walking down the stairs.
34. Medium Close Up. Jack looking around downstairs.
35. Long Shot. Amy and Jack bump into each other.
36. Close Up. Amy and Jack talking .
37. Medium Close Up. Amy pointing Jack in the right direction.
38. Long Shot. Them both wondering off in different directions.
39. Medium Close Up. Amy searching for the teacups.
40. Long Shot. Jack looking around.
41. Medium Close Up. Amy bringing in the tea.
42. Medium Close Up. Them both drinking tea.
43. Close Up. Jack putting cigarette out on saucer.
44. Medium Close Up. Jack and Amy talking.
45. Medium Close Up. Amy and Jack looking around,curiously.
46. Close Up. Both of them in shock.
47. Medium Close Up. Jack pulling Amy towards him (heading over to the window).
48. Medium Close Up. Jack helps Amy out the window.
49. Medium Close Up. Jack climbs out the window.
50. Long Shot. Jack and Amy escaping from the house.
51. Medium Close Up. Jack picks Amy up.
52. Close Up. Amy smiling.
53. Long Shot. Amy and Jack walking off, down the road (Amy in Jacks arms).
54. Very Long Shot. Jack and Amy kissing.

Different shots

Seeing as we had to make our own shot list, so that when we came to filming we would know what camera shots to use we looked up all the different types of shots you are able to use so we would know exactly when to use what shot.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Evaluation so far...

We are coming up to half term and after writing our first draft of our script we realised that maybe we did not have the best story line. We decided to do some more research on short films and see how they have presented the characters and the story line in such a short amount of time and space.
I was inspired by a number of story lines and after thinking long and hard about what to do i thought it would be best if we started to come up with another story idea inspired through another film seeing as this gives us something to work on and we are not starting from scratch.
The problems we were faces with:
- Seeing as our first script we began from scratch our story line was messy and did not complete. For example we wanted the audience to like our character Joe in the end however when we put him on dates we made him out to be a jock. We made such a hated character that we just couldn't think of how the audience would grow to like him, especially in such a short amount of time.
- we are very limited on time. We wanted to make our character change as a person and fall in love with a girl and to find out the girls was dying just in 5 minuets. This would be VERY hard to do.
- After watching a number of short films we realised that they are all very basic and consist on a couple of characters. We wanted a number of locations, a number of actors and we were making the story far to complex.
Once me and my partner agreed on giving writing up a script another go we decided that we are better off basing our film on another film and intrtpreting our own ideas into it. We have now got our new script written up and we are pleased with the progress. Everything is now coming together and we are feeling far more organised. By next week we are going to be able to start filming.
- we created a thoroughly dislikeable character and the audience will not like him. As far as his change of feelings the audience will simply think that he is not to be trusted,therefor will never grow to like him. We were meant to show that he has some redeeming characters and instead his character seemed to be contradicting himself.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

These are a few clips which we looked at and got some dating ideas from.
Once we typed up our entire script we realised we are going to have to change the dating clips seeing as we have made Joe out to be an idiot throughout the dates and if we want our audience to see that he is becoming a nice man and changing this is not going to make them like him, infact they are going to begin to hate him even more seeing as he is saying he wants a long term girlfriend however has the wrong idea and behaviour towards women.

Research on a few short films.

This is another short film we studied for some research. Again the genre was a Romantic Comedy, and i liked the story behind this film. It is about a teenage boy who falls madly inlove with a girl who he never speaks to. This girl says to him 'dream on cupid' and then he dresses up as cupid and shoots her with an arrow. I loved the way the ending unraveled. Firstly the audience see what happened through the teenaged boys eyes and how he wished things worked out, and then the truth is uncovered. I liked how there was no dialogue however all the audience were aware of the storyline and what was happening, I also like the music which was playing throughout the film, contrasting to the end of the story.

This is a link to the film Shoe's off. Stuart, a timid 31-year-old bachelor, is inspired to break out of his monotonous existence by a mysterious woman in beautiful black boots. He crashes a stuffy cocktail party in order to meet her, but gets kicked out after an incident involving shish kabobs and red wine. It is then that he discovers that the way to a woman's heart is through her shoes. Although this film was 12-13 minuets we found it useful as research for our genre of our film.
This is a romantic comedy and the story line is completely unique and unrealistic. I found it humourous and exciting towards what was going to happen next. I liked all the different shots used and the way there is a close up frame used for the piece of paper saying that he is going 'to live life dangerously'. Throughout all films a close up shot is used when the filmers are trying to exagerate this , this is why we have planned a close up shot of the key unlocking the house and a close up shot when Amy shows Jack that she found a key.

This is the first short film which i have watched. It is four minuets and six seconds long and the story is ONLY focusing on two main characters and has a very simple story line which is easy to follow.
It is about a doctor who falls in love with a women who is dead. Something that i learnt from this short film is that from just watching this short film i have been able to summerise the story into just one sentence which is what we have done with our film.
Also at the start of this film it tells you that it was made according to Straight8 rules. One 58mm cartridge, no editing, unless on camera.

Another thing which i liked about this film is that the story is so easy for the audience to follow and understand, although i do not like the actually idea of a man falling in love with a dead women. There are not many locations involved and it is very basic however, at the same time very effective.
The genre of this film was a DARK ROMANTIC COMEDY.