Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Our first rough outline to our film poster

Although this was our first sketched for our film poster, after researching several film posters we decided to base our poster on the film
"The Break-Up". This enabled us to focus on conventions of real media products.

Film reviews research

This was quite useful research, however after researching film reviews in detail which are displayed in magazines we realised that the review would take up an A4 page worth. This review did help for the rough layout of the review.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Looking at the start of a short film.

1) Channel 4's IDEASFACTORY presents
2) A dogtooth media production
4) characters name followed by the actors names
5) editor - director of photography - sound recordist - music
6) produced by
7) written and directed by

When adding the titles into our film and seeing the way inwhich the titles are placed i decided to look at a few short films for help which are roughly the same genre as ours. This film was about a man getting over his old girlfriend who finds another man, and so the ex boyfriend hires a karati man to deal with his ex girlfriends new boyfriend, however in the end we find out that the man who he hired to beat up the new boyfriend ends up with the girlfriend.
The order about is the routine in which the titles were shown.

This is a poster from the film, The Break Up. We thought it would be a good poster to study seeing as it is the same genre as the film which we have produced. A romantic comedy. This research is crutial so that we are able to follow the codes and conventions to a film poster, however this is for a feature film, not a short five minuet film which is what we are doing.
Looking at this poster we have decided it might be a nice effect to have our two characters sat in bed starring at eachother in confusing seeing as this would represent the fact that neither of them know eachother ( hence a one night stand ).

On The Break-up poster the husband is on the left hand side, and the wife is on the right hand side.Both of them are expressing their feelings on their face so the audience can pick up the fact that they both look fed up and unhappy. They are both sat up in bed leaving a big gap between the two which emphasises the fact that they are no longer a happy couple and that the film is clearly going to be about a couple 'breaking up'. Above the characters are the names of the acters.And at the very bottom there is information about the makers of the film, and the film, including the date this film will be released.